Google Code shutdown and consequences

 Google Code shutdown and Consequences

google code

Let's first know what is Google Code 

Google Code is Google company's website, it's has been started since 2015 in order to serve websites developers all around the world, in order to host their project files on it like CSS,Javascript,html....and to get direct links to use inside their websites or templates.

Google Code has been used for years by  blogger developers, so almost all bloggers files and projects were hosted on Google Code. Finally,google has decided to shut down Goolge Code giving developers a delay of six months to look for other alternatives.

Some of website developers didn't believe that Google is going to stop Google Code, but at the end of the day they are forced to believe. 

Google Code shutdown consequences

The majority of website developers rely on Google Code website to host all their files. So, when Google Code is shut down all stored files become inaccessible then so many  templates' gadgets and widgets...stop functioning

why does Google stops Google code?

Because there are better alternatives on the web like GitHub and Bitbucket 
Google Code has become increasingly filled with spam and abuse.

How to write your first post on blogger

How to write your first post on blogger

After we have seen How to open a Gmail account and how to create your Blog and talking about How to install and backup/restore your template then we shed lights on How to add and edit Gadgets we are going to talk today about a very important part of blogging which how to write your first post or your first topic on blogger. 

let us first explain some of  the characteristics in posts editor which is the place in which we write and edit our posts or topics. If you have already written a post it should be easier for you to know what we are talking here about, but if you have not this is your chance to know the tips. 

1- go to your blog and click New Post as you see below: 
click new post to write your first post
2- just put the mouse cursor on buttons and it should show you its name or functions

post editor write new post blogger

3-  here we write or choose the label of your post for example is it an article in the label of sports or politics....we will explain how to make a label later.

put post in a label blogger

4-  permalink: is the link of your post that people see your post, if you don't like to choose a Custom Permalink just click Automatic Permalink and blogger will choose a default link, but it's better to choose your own for SEO reasons. words in permalink must be separated by hyphens "-"

blogger choose link permalink

How to add and edit Gadgets

How to add and edit Gadgets

Blogger Widgets/Gadgets are very important tools which simplifies any blogger's job. we can find Blogger Widgets/Gadgets everywhere inside templates, in sidebars,headers,footbars... if we use these tools carefully we can get more attraction from visitors, but too many widgets can cause some problemes like pages low speed. So, we should not add wedgets just like that, but only in needed places.

In this topic, we are going to talk about Blogger Widgets/Gadgets and how to customize them.

How to add new widgets:

blogger add a widget


html javascript gadget


How to install and backup/restore your template

How to install and backup/restore your template

First of all we should talk about which template you should choose for your blog because when we are talking about blogger templates there are thousands of them, but are they all good for your blog?

it's you who should answer this question, because nobody better than you know which kind of templates are useful for your blogger topics. 

There are two types of templates according to their designers:

1-Blogger basic templates: which you can find in your blogger control board, this templates could be customized by anyone, without any knowledge in html coding. these templates are automatically updated by blogger and easy to edit and customize but very simple and non sophisticated templates.

2-Blogger specified templates by other designers: which are very professional and practical. 

Which template should I choose?

1-choose a simple specified templates
2-choose a light and easy browsing template
3-choose three or four colors only template.

How to install and backup/restore a templates:

see these pictures:

template install restore backup

How to open a Gmail account and how to create your blogger

How to open a Gmail account and how to create your blogger

This is your first practical lesson to be a successful blogger, we are going to explain the way to open your Gmail account in order to build your first own blog on blogger com. before talking about building your own blogger you must have some answer to these questions: 

Why do you want to be a blogger? 

Do you have an idea about the topic in which you are going to be a blogger? 

Are you going to add something new and useful to the internet community? 

Is your aim to be rich as quickly as possible? 

Gmail account is like an Ali baba gate that allows you to income different and rich services and utilities which are presented by Google. Gmail account is the most secure E-mail service in the world. Since, it's being freely protected by the Giant Google. with one Gmail account you can have access to so many services like: 

and many other services... 

to create your own Gmail please follow these instructions: 

1- go to there you can find at the upper of the window "Gmail" click it as you see below.

click gmail on

2- click create an account as you can see in the picture. Gmail create an account

        2- fill in the informations needed as you can see on the                 picture.

how to create a Gmail account

       Congratulations your Gmail account has been created. now        go to in order to create your blogger,            enter your Gmail username like"" and        enter your Gmail password.

Blogger first steps to Open with Gmail
      if you didn't choose the first option and you choose then a         blogger profile you have to choose another username with         which you will post on blooger.