Google Code shutdown and consequences

 Google Code shutdown and Consequences

google code

Let's first know what is Google Code 

Google Code is Google company's website, it's has been started since 2015 in order to serve websites developers all around the world, in order to host their project files on it like CSS,Javascript,html....and to get direct links to use inside their websites or templates.

Google Code has been used for years by  blogger developers, so almost all bloggers files and projects were hosted on Google Code. Finally,google has decided to shut down Goolge Code giving developers a delay of six months to look for other alternatives.

Some of website developers didn't believe that Google is going to stop Google Code, but at the end of the day they are forced to believe. 

Google Code shutdown consequences

The majority of website developers rely on Google Code website to host all their files. So, when Google Code is shut down all stored files become inaccessible then so many  templates' gadgets and widgets...stop functioning

why does Google stops Google code?

Because there are better alternatives on the web like GitHub and Bitbucket 
Google Code has become increasingly filled with spam and abuse.

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